"What's with you and WordPress, anyway?"

It’s a fact.
I’m in love with WordPress and its limitless benefits (yes, *this* is a WordPress site). Free to use, WordPress offers the foundational structure to both websites and blogs. Behind the scenes is a powerful content management system (CMS) that you’ll love because you’ll be able to use it to make small changes to your sites with NO web design experience at all. Not everyone chooses to use the CMS (many just ask me to make future changes for them, which I’m more than happy to do), but it’s an intuitive and money-saving option for those who do.
Here’s what the WordPress CMS looks like when creating a new website page:
A Handful of the MANY Benefits of WordPress
- Super SEO-friendly design structure
- Content management system on the back-end for people with no HTML experience
- Fully customizable design (with my help)
- 100-percent blog ready, out of the box
- Access to more than 25,000 WordPress plugins (add audio, video, forums and more to your site)
- Seamless integration with various social media

There are plenty of sites espousing the vast benefits of WordPress-based websites. If you want more reading, here are links to just a few:
- http://wordpress.org/about/features/
- http://wpbeginner.com/why-you-should-use-wordpress/
- http://herenextyear.com/35-reasons…/
And if you want to talk about getting your own website (including a free proposal and estimate), give me a call at (209) 418-7579 or fill out my quick contact form.
My name is Jamie Gough,